hoy es lunes.
We've been working on Spanish. As you can tell. I don't have much to say, but it's always good to update your blog. Both Caleb and I have been kind of sickly with a cold. I'm getting better but I started to loose my voice today. It hurt a little bit when I went to the pre-school and I sang the spaghetti song with them. :) It was fun though. Little kids are always cute. I actually got my first pay check ever today. It's pretty crazy. It doesn't really seem like I even do that much "work" over there if you know what I mean. But hey, they like it, I like it....... everybody's happy!
We went to a Chinese place with our new youth leaders tonight. Those people there should be starting to know us by now. We first went there with a couple in our church and then a couple times with Gmom and Gdad, and with Zachary and Brenda, and Zachary, Brenda, Jeremy, Kristy, Josh and Jaden, and we've been there several times by ourselves, and then with the Erwins and again tonight!!! (that was a pretty long sentence huh? I'll bet no one --in our family-- will beat that!) Yeah, they have good food there and good prices too. We will probably eat there with everyone else who comes to visit too. So Katie and Chuck, I hope you're ready for Chinese! They have good ice cream. Zachary and Brenda said they like their food better than Lai-Lai.
Wow, I said I didn't have much to say but I guess I was wrong! But I suppose I'll wrap it up now. And Kayla, if you read this, you should leave a comment and give me a link to your blog, I couldn't find it under- kaylamrichardson- or -krichardson90-. But I would really like to see it!!