How Do You Be So Short?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Nevada :(

I had to make this post in relation to Justin's recent post on his blog concerning his new house. I realize that the state of Nevada is not so very grand or beautiful, and there really isn't anything that anyone would want to come here to see. However, at the moment, there is a nice trailer sitting next to our garage that Walkers--- and **especially** Charles "Mortia" :)--- are WELCOME to stay in while visiting our humble abode. I should also say that Kayla Richardson is also welcome to stay. And, might I add, there is a Sonic Drive In within walking distance from our house. As a matter of fact, Katie would likely consider that to be, not even far enough to get a good walk in. I hope this has persuaded several people to at LEAST consider coming to our house soon for a visit.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another Daisy post

Daisy is doing very well considering that her surgery was just yesterday. She was super jumpy this morning. :) It makes me very glad even if she is chewing because that means that she's not feeling badly.
Even though it feels hard on me, we are leaving her with a trustworthy dogkeeper while we're in Ouray. Her name is Mrs. Meeks, she is very nice and she really likes Daisy. We went over there today to tell Mrs. Meeks how to take care of her (and to show Daisy her place). I'm sure she'll be great over there, I just hope she wants to come back!! It will probably be harder on me than it is on her. I'll really miss her. But I know everything will be great.
I made this video a few days ago but I just now got Zachary to help me with it. I hope you enjoy it! (and I hope it works!)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Que dia es?

hoy es lunes.
We've been working on Spanish. As you can tell. I don't have much to say, but it's always good to update your blog. Both Caleb and I have been kind of sickly with a cold. I'm getting better but I started to loose my voice today. It hurt a little bit when I went to the pre-school and I sang the spaghetti song with them. :) It was fun though. Little kids are always cute. I actually got my first pay check ever today. It's pretty crazy. It doesn't really seem like I even do that much "work" over there if you know what I mean. But hey, they like it, I like it....... everybody's happy!
We went to a Chinese place with our new youth leaders tonight. Those people there should be starting to know us by now. We first went there with a couple in our church and then a couple times with Gmom and Gdad, and with Zachary and Brenda, and Zachary, Brenda, Jeremy, Kristy, Josh and Jaden, and we've been there several times by ourselves, and then with the Erwins and again tonight!!! (that was a pretty long sentence huh? I'll bet no one --in our family-- will beat that!) Yeah, they have good food there and good prices too. We will probably eat there with everyone else who comes to visit too. So Katie and Chuck, I hope you're ready for Chinese! They have good ice cream. Zachary and Brenda said they like their food better than Lai-Lai.
Wow, I said I didn't have much to say but I guess I was wrong! But I suppose I'll wrap it up now. And Kayla, if you read this, you should leave a comment and give me a link to your blog, I couldn't find it under- kaylamrichardson- or -krichardson90-. But I would really like to see it!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Fun hair

I decided to try something different with my hair today. A couple of days ago I bout some curlers, mostly because I had never used them before and I though it would be cool to try something different. So, last night I left my hair wet after I showered (so that it would stay in better) and mom put them in for me. I had no idea how well it would work though! When I took them out this morning it was just crazy! It made my hair look a lot shorter too. I kind of like it though. I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime. =)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Poor Daisy!

Today we had to take our little Daisy to the vet. She seemed excited at first just because we were taking her somewhere in the car. She got her next set of shots. (we were expecting that part) But another part that I was afraid of.... but still hoping that it wasn't true, was that she has a few problems with her ears. First of all, she has a pretty *severe* ear infection. I think he called it a "yeast infection". And she also has ear mites. We're pretty bummedfor the poor little girl. :( He gave us medicine to put on her back (yeah, her back..... and it's for her ears. weird) and that's supposed to get rid of the yeast infection. The guy also said that even with his fancy tools and stuff he can't see her ear drum becasue of all the debris in there. So this Wednesday we're taking her in to have surgery done on her ears. It makes me so sad!! But I know that's what is best for her and if it will make her better then we'll all be glad. I think they're gonna have to put her to sleep during the surgery though. It will probably be harder on Caleb and me than it is on her! But we're realizing that most likely the reason she doesn't respond very well when we call her, is because there's so much stuff in her ears that she can't hear us! Or at least not very well, I'm sure she hears us a little because dogs ears are so much better than ours! She's a little sad right now, but what can I say? I'd be sad too if I just had shots. The picture is from a while back, I didn't want her looking sad on my blog. I know she'll get better though. She isn't totally wiped out. I mean she's a puppy! And there's no way she can stop looking cute. She can't help it. :) And Justin, if you like her so much then come see her! We'd love to see you. But I'm sorry. There's just no way I can work it out for you to have her, unless you come and take care of her while we're in Ouray! But I'll still be needing her back. Once you've had the cutest puppy in the world, you just can't have any other, and she's totally essential to my every day life! Well, I'll keep you updated. Keep praying for her!

Monday, September 12, 2005


Today was kind of crazy. Obviously we had to go to back to school since it was Monday, but I also started playing the piano for the preeschool today. It was pretty fun. I like little kids. They're cute! :) There was a lot of homework though. All we have left is a little reading. I can't wait to see you Katie in like, 34 more days? Is that right? Well, I don't have that much to say, plus, we're watching "Whose line is it anyway". BYE!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Soooo Cute

I hope some of you noticed that the title was taken from a "Teen Girl Squad" episode. :) I know I just posted earlier today, but I just HAD to put these pictures on here! Not because I'm in them, but because I just love Daisy. I don't know if it will work to have both of them on there on the same post, but I'm gonna try! We don't let her just roam around in the house all the time, but I do let her sit in my lap in Mom's old GREEN (not brown) chair. And then I take her in my room every once in a while. What can I say? I can't help it!! I just love her so much. She's still biting a lot but we're trying to teach her not to. I'm sure she'll keep doing it some until she stops teething and stuff. And even after that she'll probably do it a little bit, but hopefully not as much as she does right now! These days when we wake up and go walk around the yard with her, her goal is to catch you as soon as you stop moving (sometimes before) and attack your feet. Sometimes it's really funny, and sometimes it hurts. Just the same, we have to make her stop. But she's still just the cutest thing ever!

The Best Big Swiss EVER!

Yesterday Caleb and I both got a package. Only from the coolest swiss in the world!! (For those of you who might not know, "swiss" does not mean that she's from Switzerland---Caleb--- it actually means that she's my "sis" or "sister".) I got some really cute flip-flops, as shown in the picture above. They actually fit pretty much perfectly Katie!! I love them. Plus they're really comfy. :) Thank you sooooo much! You da man!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I said science again. :) Science doesn' really have a lot to do with this post but I couldn't come up with anything to title it. however, I was thinking of the line from Strong Bad which I quoted in the title and the first sentence. We watched Shrek 2 tonight. It was fun. I like that movie. Actually we started it last night and we finished it tonight..... the normal way we do things at the Walker house. Daisy has still been doing good. I'm going to do a science project that involves her! And no, that doesn't include animal testing and all that good stuff. But I'm using that book that Aunt Deniese gave me "Puppies for Dummies" or maybe it "Dogs" I don't know for sure. So I'll be using it for two purposes. My book report and my science project. The project will be about the best way to train her to come and stay and whatever. Plus we'll be seeing how long it takes her to learn. My guess it pretty long, she's not off to that great of a start. :) We think she's great though. Well, we're just starting to watch "Monkey Business". It's a Marx Brothers. So I'll get going.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

-For you Zachary-

Hey everybody!
Today we watched a very sad movie. I don't know why everybody thinks that the Phantom of the Opera is so great. Okay, not everybody thinks that, but a lot of people do. I am definantly not one of those people. (hey Brenda, you're right... definantly is a hard word to spell!) I don't have a lot to say, but Zachary was getting bored and that's never good so here's my new post! We fed our friend's (the Bells) dog this morning and evening. After playing with Daisy, their dog (Anna) looks huge!!! It's kind of crazy that way. Yesterday we went geocaching. But not the kind where you go up into the mountains. We just found some local ones. We found one that was close to a church. Caleb and Brenda had been there, but there were people doing stuff at the time. we did actually find it this time because there was no one there. Daisy came with us and I think she enjoyed it. We found one that took some hiking up a rocky mountain. Well, I don't know if you could call it a mountain, but "hill" isn't really a big enough term either. Anyway, I'm pretty sure she liked that hike. You KNOW that Dad must like her when he lets her ride in the Buick with us!! Can you believe it? We would have taken the Jeep, but's it's doing weird stuff and we have to get it fixed... again. Okay, that's pretty much all our news. Hasta luego!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005


School was very long again today, as always. We are learning Spanish this year, which SHOULD be fun but our "A Beka Video" teacher is rather annoying. (for those of you who might not know, that is not my Mom!) I have to do a Science project soon, kind of a bummer, kind of not. Anyway I was thinking about doing it on "What is the best way to teach a puppy how to 'come' when called".
Right now, Caleb is starting his first real day with his job! He's helping do some clean up and stuff over at the school. I'll be starting my job as the piano player for the pre-school on Sep. 12. I'm for sure going to be doing it until Christmas but I'm not sure after that because I don't know how well I'll be able to keep up with my school. Plus I would like to be able to tour with the continental singers in the spring!
Oh, and concerning the picture..... Caleb and I wish we were doing that instead of school! Actually it doesn't really have anything to do with school, but I've always liked that picture and I've never used it for anything so I decided to use it now! :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hoover Dam

Caleb is making fun of me for doing so many posts on my blog. What can I say? It's fun! Anyway, two days ago we got to go to Hoover Dam. It was fun. It was really hot though. There were lots of different tour guides, some were annoying and some seemed nice, but it was still fun. Well Brenda wants to take our picture in front of the house and I don't have shoes on yet so I need to get going.


Even though Zachary and Brenda are leaving today, we get to eat at Sonic with them one more time! It's gonna be great. However it's already here so I'd better go. I just thought I needed to update it today because Katie told me to.
Oh, and by the way, Daisy has been great. Today her little safety gate was down but she didn't cross the line where it had been! We're very proud of her. Well I've got to eat Sonic. I can't wait to see you Katie and Chuck!