How Do You Be So Short?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Long Day

Well, once again I have no pictures. This morning we took Daisy to the vet because she had to get spayed. After that I went to preschool. :) Then I came home and started real school. However, that part seemed to take FOREVER!! Plus, I'm really not into all that homework they give out...... Then of course I had more preschool as well as lunch, which meant I had to come back home to *more* school, and still no Daisy. Well, we finally finished all of the school for today, and then we were to go and pick Daisy up at four 'oclock. Not only did she have to get spayed today, but since her baby teeth were supposed to already be out and they weren't, they had to pull them. Poor little Daisy. Even though she was incredibly tired, even the vet was surprized at how excited she was to see us. I was glad. But for Daisy, she was still moving very slowly, which was kind of sad. Besides that, they said we need to keep her kind of settled down for the next few days just to make sure the stitches stay the way they are supposed to...... Yeah. I don't know how many of you know Daisy, but if you do, you know that she does NOT settle down. Even if she is tired, she will *make* herself jump up on her cabin and bridge the gap between it and the safety gate so that she can more easily watch us and whatever we are doing. So I guess we'll see how that goes. :) For right now, she is just sitting in a chair trying to get some sleep. I don't blame her. She's probably in a fair bit of pain. Well, I guess I'll let you know how she's doing after a while!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Fun, Fun, Fun!

We had a great time in Phoenix. The pictures above were taken the night we went to look at zoo lights. (The porcupine was one of our favorite things) It was really great. I even bought a souvenir! It's a little zebra with magnetic hands and feet. He's cute. I bought the zebra because we actually got to see some zebras! There was a little baby one too. He was so cute. Anyway, it was great to see the family again. We're hoping that Aunt Carey's family will be able to come visit us eventually. But for right now, I can't wait to see Kayla!!!!!!!! :)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

No Pictures Today

I know! Usually I at least have one picture. But today we are in Phoenix with the Grand Parents!! So I don't have easy access to our iphoto like normal. But hey, at least I'm posting right?
Yesterday we took the (now relatively short) drive to Phoenix. It went pretty well I thought. We didn't get stuck in too much traffic. And we got to shop for a short while at the Galleria mall! Then, we got to eat Quinceys for lunch and Burger King for supper. :) I love Quinceys. Today, we will be seeing a lot of family which will be awesome, as well as eating lots of food. I'm excited!
Even though we are having (and will have) tons of fun, I still miss Daisy. Yesterday we brought her by Mrs. Meeks house and said good bye before leaving for AZ. She was actually really nervous. I'd like to think it was because she didn't want us to leave, but Mom says that all beagles do that. So, what can I say. I printed out a picture of us (Daisy and me) before we left so that I can have it with me and look at it when I miss her. It's so crazy to see Charley!! She's tiny compared to Daisy! I was thinking that they would be about the same size since Daisy isn't quite full grown yet, but they sure aren't! However, we must keep in mind that Charley is a wonderful inside dog, whereas Daisy is a wonderful outside dog. (Secretly Daisy and I know that she belongs inside, we just can't tell anyone.)
Well, I guess that's all for today. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Full Geo-Cacheing with Daisy Day

Lots 'O pics. This way I don't have to write much. :) It was fun Cacheing.

The first cache of the day.

Gotta rest in between!

Lunch time!!
So much fun for little Daisy.

Cool view huh?

This one's actually from when we raked
up the leaves in the from yard. I think
it's cute.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Be sure to read the last one!

(I already made one post today, so don't forget to read the last one!)

Daisy's Bath

We've given Daisy a few baths since she got
here, but this is the first time that we put her in the actually bathtub! It was fun, mostly for Caleb and I. :)

She had actually been sleeping when we were ready for the bath. So it made her less likely to try to get out. (which was good!) But she couldn't quite decide what to do at first so she just kind of one by one lifted her paws out of the water and then she was pretty awake by then.

Here's another good picture.

And then the last one of her drying off. Isn't she cute? Of course we had to clean the whole tub after we finished, but it was still fun. We gave her treats and toys and stuff and then played with her afterwards. That way she'll hopefully think it was fun, and then she'll want to take a bath next time. Well, I thought it was great!!!

Hair Sticks

Well, I was saying how I bought these new hair sticks and then I didn't know if everybody knew what I was talking about so I thought I would show them what I was talking about. This is the view from the from the front.

And then here's the view from the back! I actually didn't use both of them that time. I've been having a hard time making it work lately, so I was afraid that if I tried to put the other one in, it wouldn't look as good. And I had a lot of loose hair, so I just put it in a clippy. Anyway, that's how it works! I bought some just recently while I was with Katie, but then they both broke! So we decided that I must have gotten a crummy set. But then Katie got me another set to replace them. So I'm really looking forward to getting them!!! Thanks Katie. = )

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fun stuff

Well, today we got to go into Las Vegas so we could go to a Target and a Quiznos. It was fun. Especially fun because I got a new jean skirt from Target!! Isn't it cute? Well, I like it anyway. And, last night I put curlers in my hair again, so that's the reason for the curliness. But, I actually put half of it up so it wouldn't feel so poofy on the sides. I though it turned out pretty nice. Plus, I was thinking that probably not everyone has seen my Colorado shirt. It was my souvenir from Ouray. I like it too.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say now. Until next time!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Is it Time?

Has it been long enough since I last made a post about Daisy? Well, I still think she's great. However, just as I was about to start on this post Mom asked us to go over to the church playground to put away the balls that the kids threw in our yard. So, we decided to take Daisy. But I didn't really think about how she would go around and find all the trash from the kids' lunches and eat it. Caleb got most of it away from her before she ate it, but I think she swallowed a piece of gum. To say the least,

we spent a lot of time chasing her around to get things away from her so that she won't get sick by eating it. Sometimes we see her throwing up because she's eaten the trash some little kid gave her, and just from eating EVERYTHING else! (She's not very good at coming when you call her.) So, we got a little frustrated with her for all that. But you know, I think that probably happens with all true family members.
As you can see, she does pretty well with the "sit" command. I thought that was a cute one to put on here. Plus, I think it's very important to make sure every one can see how big she's getting. :) Kayla, I can't wait for you to come see
her (and us)!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Last Belly

I have two friends who are oh so nice, as to send (or bring) some of my favorite candies: Very Cherry Jelly Bellys. (is that supposed to be "Bellies" or "Bellys"?) Thank you Kayla and Chuck!!! Y'all are great. Anyway, Yesterday I finished off all but the last one. The reason they sent them to me is because they are sort of hard to come by here is the gross state of Nevada. However, I am once again, without my favorite kind of bean. It's alright though, I've had a pretty good supply lately so I should be good for another..... Oh, I don't know really, maybe another month or two. :)
Well, I don't have much to talk about, but since Caleb was getting on my case about not posting, I figured I had better get on the stick!
I'll try to post again soon. Hasta La Vista!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Too Bad

Sadly, but truly, Katie and Zachary had to leave. Yeah, I guess that was a few days ago now but it's still too bad. It was really great to have them here though. I wish they were still here!
That morning we all decided to have a smoke before they left. Actually, Mom just brought out the candies that we had bought at a candy store in Ouray. One of which was the kind of bubble gum that she and Dad said they used to get when they were kids. That was the gum that looked like cigarettes. :)(so yes, it's just gum) And yes, I am in my pajamas. What can I say? They left early. (Hey Kayla, recognize those pants?)

It was still sad that they left, however, being the nice brother and sister they are, they bought us gifts so that we wouldn't be so sad about their leaving! So, I got the cutest purse I've ever gotten! Katie and Zachary sneaked back to a Fossil store that we were in earlier and Katie bought me the purse that I thought was so cute! I just love it.

It's so cute! I took it with me to church this morning just because I really wanted to use it. :) Thanks Katie.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


This is the picture I said I would put on here a long time ago. So there you go. I'm glad you're here too Chuck.

And this is the bone that Zachary really wanted to buy for Daisy. Isn't that great?
What do you think of my costume? I was standing over a vent in this picture, so that's why it's all poofed out. :)Same dress, different view. Didn't it turn out pretty good?

A post

I didn't know what to title this one. Sorry it took me so long to post again. I got upset last time because I worked forever to make one and then I pushed the wrong button and then it all disappeared. So this time I'll just make this post and then I'll post the pictures. I was Eown from the Lord of the Rings for Halloween. I thought the costume turned out pretty well. But we didn't really do anything for it. Actually we sat around and listened to Brian Regan for Halloween. We ate a little bit of candy but not a lot. Oh well, I sure missed Trunk-or-Treat though. (and for those of you who don't know, that is not a typo, I meant to say "trunk".)
Well, I guess that's all I'll say for now!