How Do You Be So Short?

Monday, January 30, 2006

Gotta Love the Puppy

Because I am quite sure that none of you can ever get enough of Daisy, I have provided you with another great picture of this cute, lovable dog. It's so funny when she puts her leg up there like that, I just had to take a picture. It's true that she is a fair bit bigger than she used to be, but I still think she's great. We haven't figured out how to teach her to "come" yet. She just really can't grasp that concept. Occasionally she will "stay" when she's told, and she's pretty good at "sit", but the come? Nope. Not unless you have a treat in your hand, and she saw it. In that case, she comes before you call. :) Okay, okay, so y'all probably aren't all that wild about hearing of her. So I guess I'll quite babbling on about all that she does. Thank you for those of you who were willing to read all about her though!
Thank you Aunt Niecy!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Sorry it's taken me so long to update. I don't really have a good excuse! Today we got to go to Crystal Reservoir (which is the closest thing to a normal "lake" around here) and go in the canoe. It is a lake, but it's incredibly small compared to Whiskeytown Lake, and there aren't any trees around it. Daisy got to come too, but not in the canoe. We figured that would be a little much for her! :) She did a lot of hiking with us though, and Caleb said we found a total of 6 geocaches! It was pretty fun. I would put pictures on here, but we just got back, and so they aren't on the compy yet, and I was to lazy to do it. Anyway, I guess that's all for now, and I'll try to post sooner than last time.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Hey everybody, Chuck has a blog!!!!!!!!!! He was very quick in his posting, so I couldn't get this ready fast enough! Anyway, he has posted now, so you should all check it out as soon as possible. Thanks Chuck!! You're the man!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I was tagged, but I'm not sure how to do this!

I'm not quite sure how to format all this, but here it goes anyway!

4 Jobs that I have had in my life:
Well, I've only had one real job.
That was playing the piano for a Preschool

6 Movies I could watch over and over:
The Music Man
The Sound of Music
You've Got Mail
Two Weeks Notice
Man's Favorite Sport
that list could go on and on. (that's not a movie though!)

4 Places I've lived:
Worthing, South Dakota (Till I was six)
Happy Valley, California (My favorite)
Pahrump, Nevada (I'm embarrassed to even write that one!)

4 TV shows I love to watch:
I Love Lucy
Gilligan's Island
Who's Line is it Anyway
I'd like to watch "What Not to Wear" more often, but Caleb hates it!

4 Places I've been on Vacation:
London, England (plus several of other places in Europe that I don't know the names of)
Ouray, Colorado
A few places on the California coast, including San Diego (one of my favorites)
Mt. Bachelor, in Oregon

4 Websites I visit daily:
Well, besides blogs, I don't really visit any websites "daily",
but I visit a lot of family blogs!
4 of my favorite foods:
Quizno's Turkey Ranch and Swiss (minus onions and tomatoes)
Mom's homade (or is it "home made"?) pita bread
Mom and Dad's home made ham pizza
Mom and Dad's home made hamburgers
that didn't include drinks, right?)

4 places I would rather be right now:
Pretty much anywhere with some extended family
On the beach, especially with family.... and Daisy!
Camping somewhere cool
Skiing, maybe at Mt. Bachelor, or Shasta, but again,
it's all better with family!

7 people that I am tagging:
Yeah right!! I don't have nearly 7 people, but I think I will nominate, I mean, uh, tag ....... -the suspense is killing everyone, right? And the winner is...... COG!! (Grandmom) :)

Well, that took a lot longer than I was expecting! I've got to say that the toughest question was the movie one. I have a lot, and I do mean a LOT, of movies that I love. Several more come to mind, such as Finding Nemo, The Emperor's New Groove, Milo and Otis, Alex and Emma, White Christmas.......... You get the picture. I just really like movies I guess! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Another Random Photo Op

What can I say? I just think any post is more fun to read if there's a picture. And since there weren't any recent pictures that I felt like putting on here, I just grabbed an old one that I really liked. (And do like.) So I guess what I should say, is that that is where I wish I was. Aaaaaahh, to be on the beach. For those of you who don't know, the beach is pretty much my favorite place to be. It's just that it's more favorite if there is extra family there. (Or close friends.) Well, I guess I've sufficiently rambled on about random things for long enough, don't you think?
Today was pretty much the same. Except for a new boring algebra concept that takes forever. School was long. We had left over pizza for lunch. We played with Daisy. But pretty soon we're going to Wal-Mart! Yes, we do that very often, but we haven't gone in a couple of days! Can you believe it? Well, that's mostly it for today. Oh, I will add that I got to talk to Katie, which is always good. If someone else feels like calling us, that would just add to the excitement!! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

New Clothes

Now, I understand that many of you do not share the same love for new clothes. In that case, you are not required to read the rest. As for the rest of you....... no just kidding. If you don't want to you're off the hook. I wanted to put this picture on here mainly because I told Katie and Kayla that I wanted to show the skirt to them.
Anyway, I was particularly excited about this skirt, because I have another one very much like it, which is my favorite skirt. The problem with that one, is that Daisy put several holes in it! That's why I was so excited to find another one. Actually, the only thing similar was the style, the colors are nothing alike. I thought it was pretty cute though, and today was my first day to wear it!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Little Daisy

I know, my smile is kind of cheesy in this picture, but I needed a close-up picture to put on here, and this was my favorite of the ones we took. Isn't she great?!? Last time we took her to the vet, he was telling us that dogs pretty much quit growing after they are six months old. It's such great news!! She turned six months old on December 27th, so she's basically maximum size!!!!! It's like I got a miniature beagle. I just love her so much. She's still bad about biting my ankles, especially when I wear my slippers. Mostly she only does that when I'm running with her though. And yes, I do trip over her. It makes it rather hard to run around the yard with her. She doesn't bark during meal times quite as much as she used to so that's good. I'm so glad to be with her. DOGS ARE THE GREATEST!

-If anyone can't think of what to say in their comment, feel free to tell me about your dog, I just love them.- :)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

More pictures!

This one was taken when we went geocacheing with Patrick and Maddie and Andy. (Our cousin, and second cousins.) It was a geocache that you have to find at night because that's the only way you can find it. See, they put these reflective tacks on some trees, and you have to find them and then follow them. They lead you all the way back to where you parked, but the cache is in the middle. So we had a really fun 1 mile hike, but we couldn't figure out where the middle was so we didn't find the cache. The hike was a little long for Maddie and Andy (as you can see) so my
arms were a little sore the next day!!

This one was taken when we went to see the Alamo. It turned out pretty good I'd say. We had a really fun time being there with Katie and Justin. I was going to put a picture on here, where Katie and I were pretending to be Coach Z, but it was kind of far away, and I wasn't sure if anyone else would appreciate it like we did. Anyway, the Alamo was pretty cool (and crowded) and San Antonio was awesome. So there you go!! That's all I've got for today. :)

Sorry about the layout, it never looks quite right, but I can't ever figure it out either!

Friday, January 06, 2006

We're Back

Well, there were so many good pictures from our trip to choose from, that it was a difficult decision as to which ones should go on here. Maybe I'll put some of the other ones on here later but for now, this is what I've got. (Oh, and don't worry. I'll post pictures of Daisy soon enough!)

Please notice how Caleb (in the picture to the right) is levitating! Actually he was throwing that stick up into the air so that he could knock the frisbee out of the tree. Pretty funny huh?

In this one, we just decided to have some fun and jump off the sign. We took a couple, but I thought this one turned out the best. We look awesome don't we?

These pictures were taken when we went to the park that is close to our gramma's (Nanny's) house! We even bought two new frisbees (actually they've been telling me that they are called "aerobies") to play with when we went. It was a lot of fun. They go really really far too!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Right now I'm sitting at Granddad's compy and I decided that as long as I have some spare time I might as well update. Especially seeing as how it's been entirely too long since that last one. Well, we had a really fun time in Dallas. We got to see Nanny, play with Maddie and Andy, and see everybody else too! It was really great to see Katie and Justin's new house. The pictures really don't do it justice, it's even better than that!!! Caleb and I decided that we would be willing to spend summers with them in San Antonio. :) But you've probably already heard about most of that trip from Katie's blog.
Well, as always I'd love to have a picture on here, but I don't have our iPhoto handy so y'all will just have to wait till we get home. I can't wait to see my Daisy!!!!!!!