Gotta Love the Puppy
Because I am quite sure that none of you can ever get enough of Daisy, I have provided you with another great picture of this cute, lovable dog. It's so funny when she puts her leg up there like that, I just had to take a picture. It's true that she is a fair bit bigger than she used to be, but I still think she's great. We haven't figured out how to teach her to "come" yet. She just really can't grasp that concept. Occasionally she will "stay" when she's told, and she's pretty good at "sit", but the come? Nope. Not unless you have a treat in your hand, and she saw it. In that case, she comes before you call. :) Okay, okay, so y'all probably aren't all that wild about hearing of her. So I guess I'll quite babbling on about all that she does. Thank you for those of you who were willing to read all about her though!
Thank you Aunt Niecy!!!!!!!