For Clarification
The significance of October is this: We'll get to find out if it's a boy or a girl!! Then we will be able to shop intelligently (for pink or blue). Is that correct Brenda? I hope so. I wouldn't want to tell everyone that and then be mistaken. So if I am mistaken, then leave a comment and say so. :) Caleb thinks I should say what I'm rooting for (boy or girl) but I thought I should tell everyone that I don't particularly care!! I just want to hold the cute little bundle of joy and buy it adorable little baby shoes. And clothes. Not much to say, but I was afraid that if I tried to explain just in a comment why I was looking forward to October, then not everyone would see it. And I didn't want anyone to miss out on that exciting bit of info. If it was even right.
Um, well I got a new book from the library today! It's called The Truth Seeker. It's the next one in the series by Dee Henderson. I just finished The Guardian and would highly recommend it to anyone who likes romances/mysteries. Here is a picture of it. I'm not quite sure why it also loaded the part that says "search inside" but I guess it doesn't matter. I tried to load a picture of these really cute baby shoes from, but it wouldn't work which is a bummer, but oh well.
As far as I know that is when we will be able to know whether the baby is a boy or a girl. I am with you though, I don't care what it is I just want to know so that we can start buying cute things. I guess there is a chance that they won't be able to tell what it is but I will just have to keep checking until they can see for sure. Can't wait!! Just glad that it will have a cool auntie that will keep it stylin'
What about a cool uncle to teach it to wear socks and sandals? They'll be like, "Momma, I want to be just like Uncle Caleb 'cause he's the coolest and he told me that that's how to be cool!" Wouldn't that be great?
Strawberry, although the green apple ones aren't bad either. Anything but blue. Did you know there isn't such a thing as a blue raspberry. Nice book, I expect to be recieving a full review of it by Monday. And an essay on my desk by tuesday morning. Whatever, have fun reading!
OK, so Dee Henderson writes a book called The Truth Seekers, then puts her fingerprint on the cover. What if some unscrupulous no-gooder creates fake fingertips with her prints and goes on a crime spree unparalleled since Cain snuck up on Abel?
Absolute insanity, when commenting after Crazy Uncle it is often hard to figure out what you just read on the blog because it is sometimes so far fetched!
I commented on here yesterday, but apparently something didn't work, cuz I don't see my comment. Hopefully I didn't leave it on someone else's blog! :)
Anyway, I *LOVE* that series that you're reading. We have all of them. (Well, we have 6, and that was all of them back in 2003 or so. I'm not sure if there are any others now.) You should come visit me and I will let you borrow them, and you could stay until you've finished the series!!!
I'm excited about October, too! Can't wait to start clo shopping for The Baby!
Love you!
(It seems I'm starting to get your exclaiming style of commenting down!)
Personally, I don't really understand the significance of baby shoes. I mean, babies can't walk. It seems to me it would be better to buy them hats, dresses, or something of that nature. Baby Gap, however, is a lot of fun.
Hey, I was in cbs yesterday (thats the inside term for the christian book store) and I saw a book by Dee Henderson and I thought of you. It wasn't part of the series though.
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