New and Improved Hair Layers!
Okay, okay, sorry it took me so long to update. The picture didn't turn out too bad, but my eyes look a little funny, and my bangs are pretty long. Yeah, I know, I'll probably get comments like, "your eyes always look funny" or other various sayings from relatives such as Caleb or Uncle Randy, but I will endure it.
So anyway, I got a shorter layer like two days after I got it cut firstly. I think I like it better this way.
I figured it was good measure to stick a picture
of the cute little Daisy on here along with the other, I mean, how often don't I do that?
Man, your eyes look funny. And Lauri, yours do too! Maybe not. I guess your hair is cooler than it used to be. I'm not very observant when it comes to these things.
The new hair looks more flipped out- in a good way. I'm glad you got another layer. I'm pretty sure that you and your dog only have one expression each when getting your picture taken together.
Your hair is very cute. Is it layered all the way around or just in front? Mine is all the way around.
That turned out so cute, Eisel!
I tried calling you earlier, but no one answered. Are you gone to Phoenix already???
I got my hair layered just a few days ago. It is all one layer and fairly short!
I can't wait to see you in 11 days! I miss you.
So cute -- your hair and Daisy. Your eyes are always beautiful!
I got my cake layered and I liked it. So, it's prolly OK for hair, too. And no, Lauri, I rarely laugh at your eyes.
How many days again? Oh yeah three!! Two if you don't count today!
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