How Do You Be So Short?

Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm out of cool titles, or did I ever have any?

Well, I was going to wait and update once I had some pictures to post. We just took some a little bit ago, and I was planning on putting them on here, but now I can't get the compy to upload them! I guess you'll just have to wait.
Mom went to Dallas again so that she could attend the Valwood (Mom and Dad's old church) 50th reunion thingy. Or whatever you call it. :) We were happy for her, but we missed her. She left on Thursday and we picked her up at the airport today! Hooray! Now we don't have to sit around feeling incompetent without her.
For anyone who's interested, I've actually read a couple of books lately. Oh, but here's the catchy part: nobody told me to!! Mostly just some Janette Oke books. But I also read the last book of the Chronicles of Narnia series- The Last Battle. It was good. The bummer is, I have to give an oral book report on it. Yeah, I know, just ruin a good book why don't ya!! Anyway, I think it's due tomorrow or something. Hopefully I'll do okay.
I know my posts aren't too cool without pictures, but I'm thankful for those of you who took the time to read it and comment! Thanks!!


Blogger Justin Richardson said...

I would read if I knew how.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Kayla said...

Your posts are fine without pictures. Congratulations on the reading, see its not so bad.

5:56 PM  
Blogger Brenda Walker said...

I love Janet Oke books!! I have tons of them. You should come read them to me.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Brenda Walker said...

I don't like to read, I have never read Janet Oke (although she sounds kinda hillbilly!), but for some reason, I still read your whole post. Love Ya King!

3:54 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Yeah, Bean is leaving me to go to Redding. Hopefully I can remember how to make food. Oh wait. Well anyway, have fun with the book report. I used to love getting up and talking about a book I read. No that must have been someone else. I really hated it. But good luck to you. You're the MAN!

4:20 AM  
Blogger Caleb said...

Man, I could hardly stand to read your post because there were no pictures on it. Congrats on the reading. I must be rubbing off on you.

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please post a detailed report on the Jeanette Oake book. I have already read the Narnia one. I expect a detailed character analysis and explain how real life situations were used in order to provide the reader with scriptural application. I expect it on my desktop next Thursday before the day is over.

4:18 PM  

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