Sweet Daisy
I just love my Daisy! She's so wonderful. I noticed that I hadn't made a post about her recently adn I thought that it would be important for everyone to see how big she is getting. I thought this picture was cute, but I took it myself so my arm looks weird and I didn't really get everything in there. She's actually yawning, but she looks kind of funny. It still seems cute though. She tends to yawn a lot. And when she does, she makes this little squeaky noise! It's so cute. I don't know how I ever lived without a dog. Even if I am allergic to her, I don't really care. She's just so precious! Kayla, how is Chloe doing? Is she really big now too? I mean, Daisy is still small for a dog, but she's a lot bigger than she used to be. I love her. Thanks again Aunt Neisy and Zachary and Brenda!!!!!