How Do You Be So Short?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm back now

We just got back from California yesterday, so I thought I'd post and tell you that I had a great time! Unfortunately, I had no camera, so I don't have any pictures to post. But Kayla is going to send me some, so that I can scrapbook them!
I had a really great time being there with Kayla and Zachary and Brenda and everybody. Kayla and I even set up camp by ourselves! We probably put up that tent in record time. :) We also met a really funny guy named Jim. His buddy's name is Bill. hahaha! Yeah.... good times! Good times.

In other news..... I CAN'T BELIEVE BRENDA AND ZACHARY ARE GONNA HAVE A KID!!!!!!!! I am so totally stoked that I'm actually gonna be an aunt. It's so great!! I wish I could be there all the time to see it. :( sniff, sniff But there is always pictures, and hopefully we'll get to visit a LOT. :) This is the most exciting thing I've heard all year! Brenda, we're praying that you'll get over the morning (or should I say "all day") sickness really soon. Oh, and one other thing concerning this subject: Katie and Justin, get with the program! Tee hee! Okay, so I guess I can wait since I have one niece/nephew to look forward to. Yay!!!

You're probably all wondering, "is she actually glad to be home in the desert?" Well the desert no, not really. But home, yes! It's good to be with Mom, Dad, Caleb, and Daisy again. I'm really thankful that God has helped me to adjust, and start to get over the move. God is good!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I'm at Kayla's!!

After getting up at four thirty-ish yesterday and driving from Phoenix back to Pahrump, we left again at eight this morning to drive to Redding!! So, I am now sitting at Kayla's compy and taking ridiculous pictures. Kayla would like everyone to know that the picture on the bottom is not that great, and her neck doesn't really stick out that far, and that her head doesn't really float around in mid-air. Just to clarify. Anyway, we will be leaving for Family Camp at about eleven tomorrow, and will be setting up camp all by our little lonesomes. So, for now, you can enjoy these great pictures and anxiously await the ones from Family Camp. They won't be on here though, because I'm not bringing a digital camera, so you'll just have to bug Kayla about it if you want to see them.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I know, I don't have any pictures. I only have time for a few quick sentences and then we're going to go swim.
We just got back from the grandparents' house today. We had so much fun! I loved seeing everybody, the swimming, the pool playing, the big house, and the eating out. It was all great! I might even have time to post pictures of some of those things after I get back.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for family camp! I'm feeling a little worn out from the constant activities, but I know it'll be a blast. I can't wait to see you Kayla!

Friday, July 07, 2006

New and Improved Hair Layers!

Okay, okay, sorry it took me so long to update. The picture didn't turn out too bad, but my eyes look a little funny, and my bangs are pretty long. Yeah, I know, I'll probably get comments like, "your eyes always look funny" or other various sayings from relatives such as Caleb or Uncle Randy, but I will endure it.
So anyway, I got a shorter layer like two days after I got it cut firstly. I think I like it better this way.

I figured it was good measure to stick a picture
of the cute little Daisy on here along with the other, I mean, how often don't I do that?