Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I thought I'd make a quick post and give you some pictures. Thanks, Zachary, for fixing the colors of the dots!! This is much cuter!
Well, that's the news for now. Happy new year everyone!
I thought I'd make a quick post and give you some pictures. Thanks, Zachary, for fixing the colors of the dots!! This is much cuter!
Well, as you can see I've redone my template. I decided I was tired of looking at the black background with all those words (I don't know if it was looking that way for everybody, but for some reason our special modifications had messed it all up on our computer) so since I don't know how to fix it myself, I decided to just pick out one of the ones that I liked and go with it. I wish I could change the color of the dots in the background, but I don't know how. If you'd like to do it for me (specifically Zachary), you're quite welcome to! So here are those pictures.
Tis a good time of year. Happy birthday to Chuck, if you were ever to stumble upon reading this.:) And in less than a week, I will turn 16! And the day before I do, a friend is getting here to celebrate with me. Her name is Chloe, but I'm not sure how many of you people reading this would know her. It should be lots of fun, and I'm very much looking forward to it. Especially the shopping! If we could get the weather to act like it should, it would REALLY feel like December. It actually rained here the day before yesterday! And this morning it was like 37 degrees when we left for church, so I guess we're mostly there! Now all I need is a nice winter coat for my birthday- a red one from Old Navy to be exact.... hint hint. :D Nah, not really though. It has been a very nice winter so far, and we've already got our tree and Christmas lights up and looking nice. So all in all things are going quite well here at the Keith Walker household, and you'll have to be glad that you're getting a post out of us at all since you might not get another one for a while! That is, unless you get lucky and I really feel the need to share a couple pictures of my fun birthday weekend with you. :)