How Do You Be So Short?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well, this was Leigh's suggestion. And actually, this one was taken earlier than the one where it was curly. The first thing I did after the hair cut was shower, dry it, and then curl it. (okay, that's not entirely true, first we went to Wal-Mart.) At first I left it all down and curled it out, but that looked a little weird because I've been growing out the sides of my bangs, and it just didn't quite look right, as you can see to the right.
But the picture below shows you that it looks much better with the top half pulled back. I think I like it that way better.

But again, my eyes look kinda weird in this one. :)

Caleb and I are both sick right now so that's a bummer. I think we're getting better, but we're really hoping that Mom and Dad don't catch it. Hopefully school won't be too hard, and we'll be able to think enough to do our work tomorrow.
Well, Mom and Dad just got back from their prayer meeting thing, so that's all for now!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Two in one

I cut my hair! I kind of wish that I hadn't now, (I really miss it being long) but I decided that I might as well make the most of what I did, so I tried it in curlers. I think it worked out pretty well! I couldn't believe how short it ended up looking. Actually, the girl at the hair cut place cut it shorter than I asked her to anyway, so it's kind of a bummer, but oh well. Since the curls were so poofy beside my face Mom helped me put some little clips in it. One on either side and then in the back. (Well, two in the back since just one wouldn't really hold it all in place.)

Isn't Daisy cute? But I guess I always think she is. Today she slept in my lap while I read Silas Marner for school. I thought it was very thoughtful of her. :) It made the reading far more enjoyable.
Oh, and not only do these pictures cover my hair and Daisy, they also show you my new shirt! It's one of the two I told you about.... um, two posts ago I think. I got it at Mervyn's and it works nicely to wear whatever color I want to under it because it matches pretty much everything! I like it. But not as much as Daisy. :D

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Holy Moly!!!!

Zachary and Brenda are HERE!!!! We've been having a blast with them so far. Yesterday we went into Las Vegas ( I won't tell you all about it, but we had to go to a Star Trek thing because we got free tickets......) and Zachary told us to call him when we finished doing the Star Trek thing, but we forgot. And then he ended up calling us instead, and told us that they were in Las Vegas! At first I don't think any of us really believed him, but once he convinced us we couldn't contain our excitement! It was an awesome surprise! We were pretty stoked to say the least. They came with us to church this morning and we've pretty much just hung out around here. Oh, I take that back. We did go to Wal-Mart and stuff. We get to go swimming with them today. I think they have to leave tomorrow, which I always hate, but I guess it'll be okay. So anyway, that's our exciting news. School is still going on and all the other weekly church things. This Wednesday will be our first AWANA thingy for the highschoolers, and it's gonna be at our house, so that's cool. School still stinks, but I'm liking the sewing class! I learned how to put in a zipper a few days ago, which was exciting. Okay, I guess that's all. I would have put a picture on here, but I think that we still haven't figured out how to load the pictures from the camera on to our new compy, so I decided not to try it. Until next time!