How Do You Be So Short?

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

It's boring to only have one!

Well, I keep wanting to show my blog to everyone, but there's only one post, so it's kind of boring. The problem is I don't really have that much to say. It's exciting to have one though! We went to the scrapbook store today and I got some paper. Brenda already bought me two puppy papers for Daisy, but I didn't want Fred to feel left out. So today I bought two kitty papers for him too. We're also planning on renting "Sahara" so we can have something fun to do after our company leaves. So if anyone reading this has seen it, leave a comment to tell us how it is! We're sure gonna miss you Zachary and Brenda. But we can't wait for y'all to come Chuck and Katie!!! Well, maybe my blog is slightly more exciting now. :)

My Daisy!

On August 27th I finally got the puppy of my dreams! Zachary and Brenda surprized us by showing up early on that Saturday. We were just about to go swimming when we saw their red escort drive up! She's a purebread beagle from Texas, and she's only about 9 weeks old. We named her Daisy which turned out to be a very fitting name. She lives in our laundry room right now, we can't let her stay outside because she eats the nasty bugs and everything else in the yard. We've been letting her in the living room even though we aren't supposed to because we're all allergic to her. Currently we're trying to make her stop biting us and barking early in the morning after she's been taken out to pody. :) She just wants us to play with her!! The problem is, that's at about 6:15 or so in the morning. However, she's very good at going to sleep right away! We love her.