Senior Pictures
For those of you who may not know (I have no idea who that would be since I think most people have stopped reading this, but hey...), I am graduating in a little over a month! I'm pretty happy about it! Ines (a lady in our church) took pictures for me at a golf course that's close to our house. She's taking a photography class so it was good practice for her. :) Plus we had a lot of fun in the process! When I told Caleb I had posted the pictures on my myspace, he said I should put them on my blog. So once again, I am posting per Caleb's suggestion. Haha
Ines actually went into Vegas to find that flower. (Well, she did get more than one, but we just used the one for the pictures.) Those are my favorite flowers!!
In order to help myself not feel like a complete snob, I will post some pictures of other things as well. :) Unfortunately we haven't really taken many pictures of the happenings of late, so I went through and just pulled some random ones.
Okay, so this one's not entirely random. I put it on here because it was taken roughly a year ago at Caleb's graduation, and I will probably be putting up a similar one of MY graduation soon. A little comparison, if you will. Don't we look good?!
And then there's this one. Does it even need an introduction? They look so amazing!!! And Caleb is wondering what the heck is wrong with them. It was pretty late at night, so we may have been starting to lose it... Okay, and I guess I should admit that Bean and I started it. Ahh, Kiera Knightly. What else is there to do at 12:00 AM besides go to Saddle West, eat waffles, and make hysterical faces??